Friday, 9 November 2012

I Believe.

I believe in God.
I believe that love exists.
I believe that what goes around, comes around.
I believe that every day is Mothers' day.
I believe that good things come to those who are open to receiving them.
I believe you give trust to earn it.
I believe the ones that have passed away watch over us.
I believe that if you talk to God long enough, he'll answer you.
I believe no one is truly poor as we are rich in various areas.
I believe i have already made a difference just by existing.
I believe everyone is perfect and no one is perfect.
I believe 'hate' should never be used unless its used next to 'don't'.
I believe family is God's greatest gift to me.
I believe Leopards are one of the most beautiful creatures alive.
I believe in giving without expecting anything back in return.
I believe that heartbreaks are a branch of experience.
I believe in accepting everyone for who they are.
I believe that laughter and smiles ease pain.
I believe in motivating others as well as myself.
I believe that flaws are perfections waiting to be embraced so they can transition.
I believe we are all the same yet so different.
I believe that things happen for a reason.
I believe that life only presents obstacles that God has prepared us for.
I believe each creation has a specified purpose.
I believe poems that rhyme are better to read.
I believe that sour oranges are sweeter than sweet oranges.
I believe that nutella should be licked.
I believe in third chances.
I believe in doing what makes me happy but not at the expense of another.
I believe that no one should stay angry for more than 10 minutes.
I believe all colors deserve love.
I believe dreams shouldn't be left unattended to.
I believe in music.
I believe that everyone deserves happiness.
I believe the best way to tell a story is to live it.
I believe that bright colors brighten a day.
I believe that happiness is encased by positivity.
I believe there's no such thing as failure only ways that wont work.
I believe the best kisses are the unexpected.
I believe there should be more hours in a day, just because.
I believe that if you love someone long enough, they'll eventually love themselves.
I believe in guardian angels.
I believe inner beauty surpasses outer beauty.
I believe no one should have to face this world alone.
I believe in as many new beginnings as there will be.
I believe in Joy and I believe in Smiles.

Votre Belle,